Digital Technologies

At St Mary’s, we have a strong interest in preparing our students for the global world with their use of technology. The Digital Technologies curriculum at St Mary’s is embedded in all areas of the school curriculum. It encompasses intentions of the Victorian Digital Technologies Curriculum, and is reflected in the ways information and communication technologies are used in learning and teaching programs. We are committed to providing learning opportunities to enable all children to be confident and creative designers, thinkers, collaborators and problem solvers.


Our children engage in a number of programs that enable exposure to multiple devices and tools that create greater digital literacy competencies for all. Some of these include:

  • A 1:1 Chromebook program in Year 3 - 6
  • Access to a bank of iPads from Prep - 6
  • Interactive Whiteboards in all classrooms
  • Apple TV capability in all rooms
  • BeeBot robots
  • Makey Makey invention kits
  • Coding
  • STEM Resource Area to support the design process
  • The use of G Suite (Google Apps for Education) across the school