St. Mary's values the Health and Physical Education of all students. Students participate in structured Physical Education lessons each week.
During these lessons, students participate in fun and engaging activities designed to develop their skills and knowledge in the following areas:
- Basic Movement & Gymnastics
- Fitness Education
- Fundamental Motor Skills (Catch, Kick, Run, Vertical Jump, Overhand Throw, Ball Bounce, Leap, Dodge, Punt, Forehand Strike & Two-Hand Side-Arm Strike)
- Sport Specific Education
- Athletics
- Dance
- Swimming & Water Safety (Prep - Year 2)
- Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) (Prep)
The school is accredited as an Asthma Friendly and Sunsmart School.

Throughout each year, students are given the opportunity to be physically active
Each year, Grade 5 and 6 students train and participate in teams in the Altona District Interschool Sports program. In Term 1, students participate in the Summer Interschool Sports program (Basketball, Volleyball, Hot Shots Tennis & Softball) and in Term 2, students participate in the Winter Sports program (AFL, Soccer, Netball and Tee Ball)
- Students from all year levels are provided the opportunity to participate in Sports Clinics run by outside agencies such as AFL, Basketball Victoria
- Students in Grade 3-6 can trial and compete in the SSV Swimming
- Students in Grade 3-6 can train and compete in the SSV Cross Country.
- Students in Grade 3-6 can train and compete in the SSV Athletics
- Beach Safety program for students in Grade 5 and 6
- Perceptual Motor Program (Grade Prep)
- Students participate in the School Sports Carnival every year which is held at the Altona Athletics Track in early November. Students can participate in events to earn points for their house team.