Click the links below to access news from around our community including School Holiday activities, Church Bulletin and much more.
The Tuckshop will be CLOSED for the following days.
Dear families,
What a miserably cold, wet and windy start we’ve had to Spring this week. Let’s hope we will soon have a reason to wear our hats outside.
The Australian Government is running a RESPECT Competition.
We have begun sending reminders for events using the Updat-ed App. As well as alerts you can access the Absentee Form, our eNews archive and the Events calendar. Please ensure that you have notifications turned on so that you are alerted when a message is sent.
At St. Mary's we are committed to maintaining a culture of child safety. We implement strategies which demonstrate this through everyday life at the school, guided by the documents listed in the 'Read More' section.
Our Child Safety Officer is John Hein (DP & Learning & Teaching Leader).