This week in CASEA: Tuning into Feelings

We've all had those moments when our children are emotionally charged and we are just at the end of our tether. We can't take another moment of their crying, yelling, hitting and foot stamping and we are about to explode!
Here's something to help...

During the CASEA parent information session this week, the concept of Emotion Coaching was introduced. 

In short, Emotion Coaching is about:
  • noticing how your child is probably feeling
  • connecting with them and offering them the opportunity to talk about their feelings. 
  • listening with empathy
  • building their emotional vocabulary
  • and setting boudnaries and finding good solutions together. 
However even better than reading my short explanation would be watching this simple, short video, in which John Gottman, psychologist and author of the book Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child, identifies four parenting styles often used when children's emotions are heightened. He speaks in depth about the importance of one style, emotion coaching, which when used effectively helps children become better able to cope with life's challenges and helps us to remain calm and measured in our approach.  It's a win win!  

This week in the classroom CASEA Program sessions, the focus was on Feelings. Students and their teachers discussed how to identify and express feelings, and how to recognise how others are feeling.  In particular the importance of recognising feelings by looking at facial expressions, body language, and listening to a person’s tone of voice, were discussed. 

If you would like more information about the classroom activities, please speak with your child's teacher.  If you would like to hear more about emotion coaching or the CASEA program in general, please seek out Cathy Sims ( or myself.

Marg Masseni
Mental Health Leader

Respect • Responsibility • Resilience • Courage