RATS Reminder

Just a reminder that we will no longer be sending RATs home on a fortnightly basis. We have ample stock onsite however, so please let us know when you're running low and we will send some home via your child or feel free to pop by the office to collect some.

  • Students who are close contacts are still required to undergo 5 days of RATs and can continue to attend school as long as the RATs turn a negative result

  • The exemption period after testing positive has been revised down to 4 weeks. This means that students who test positive are exempt from further testing and isolation for the 4 weeks after their isolation period ends.

  • RATs are to be taken only when symptomatic. Due to this change, we will no longer send RATs home on a fortnightly basis. We have ample stock onsite, so please let us know when you're running low and we will send some home via your child.

  • We can also send home a pack to families with students attending school as close contacts to ensure they can continue to test daily for 5 school days. Please let us know if your require this.


Respect • Responsibility • Resilience • Courage