Swimmers Needed...

Next Tuesday will be our final Swim training/trials session, in the lead up to the District Swimming Carnival.  Sessions are held at the BayFit pool in Mason St, Altona North. It's not too late for your child to sign up, in fact they would be warmly welcomed.

Training sessions are open to all students in Years 3 - 6.  Students should be able to swim 50m in some recognised strokes. 

Our final session will be held from 7 - 8am on Tues 11th Feb at a cost of $10 per session.  Parents will need to drop their children at the pool (stay to watch or help out if possible) and then ensure that their child is taken to school.  Breakfast will be served to our swimmers from 8:20 - 8:40am in the school hall. 

If your child hasn't already participated but would like to please email me as soon as possible. 

Please also contact me via email if you have any questions.

Marg Masseni
Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader

Respect • Responsibility • Resilience • Courage