It’s been a fun and busy first full week back for our students and staff.
We continue to find our new rhythm and the children seem to be settling well into their new classrooms and routines.
It was great to see so many parents at our first assembly last Monday. For those who will join us in the future, please note that assemblies now begin at 2:45pm every Monday.
To help with foot traffic, we will open the church gate early on Mondays at 2:40 so that parents attending assemblies can enter from this gate and not the school office. The office gets very crowded and becomes a potential OH&S issue when exits are not clear.
The other gates will continue to open at 3pm.
Last week, we also shared news that KingWill, the lunch providers we use on Wednesdays have updated their ordering system after difficulties with the previous app.
You can find out more on our website.
Mr Freeman is preparing to build our second gaga pit. If any parent is available next Friday at 11:30am to help him, I know our students would be ever so grateful!
Our School Advisory Council is looking for new members to join us this year. We had 3 parents leave at the end f last year as their children finished their primary schooling. The Council’s role is to advise the principal on various matters including funding, fee setting, capital projects, fundraising and other things. You can read more about it here.
If you are interested or would like to chat about it, please contact me.
This year we have a student who would benefit from being able to park near the school gate to reduce his walk to and from the school yard each day. The school has applied to Hobsons Bay Council for a disabled parking spot to be added outside our school gates in Sargood St to help with this. As per the Hobsons Bay Council’s protocols, we need to ensure the community is aware of these proposed changes. We are sure our community will understand and be supportive of this measure. If you have any concerns about this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact us.
I’m excited to share some happy community news with you all.
Last weekend, baby Harlen, (Scarlet and Owen’s brother) underwent a successful liver transplant. He is already thriving and getting better every day.
Mrs Hamilton’s first-ever grandchild was born on Tuesday. Welcome to the world, baby Leila! May you always be a blessing to your family.
On that adorable note, have a wonderful weekend,